Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brown Squirrel

Last week in preschool Libby learned all about squirrels. For the past few days she has been serenading us with this song. It goes:
Brown squirrel, brown squirrel
Bushy bushy tail
Wrinkle up your funny nose
Hold an acorn in your toes
Gray squirrel, Gray squirrel


Sooze said...

She is such a cross between you and Matthew...its like a weird mix of both of your odd-ness's

And it sounds like she is saying brown squirrel, not gray. Could you work on her annunciation??

Sarah said...

The only thing that would make that video even better would be if the wieners were in it.

Very cute!

Unknown said...

Nate and I watched the video twice, laughing hard, and then called Maddie in and had her watch it. I would have guessed it was about a "Brave squirrel instead of a gray squirrel"

Why would Sarah want to put people's weiners in the video. That's weird?

Dan said...

I think the song is supposed to go:

Brown squirrel, brown squirrel
Bushy bushy tail
Wrinkle up your funny nose
Hold your nuts in your toes
Gray squirrel, Gray squirrel