Friday, February 15, 2008

Too cold

While in Michigan last week we took advantage of all the snow and decided to take Libby out for some fun. As I was getting all of Libby's layers on, Beth commented that at this age it takes just as long to get Libby dressed as she'll spend out side. Beth was wrong. It took about 10 minutes to get Libby dressed and we spent about 60 seconds outside.
There was about 14-16 inches of snow and the first thing Libby did was lay down and make a snow angel, we then slid down the hill on the side of Papa's yard when Libby's mitten came off. She immediately started crying because she was to cold and wanted to go inside. So we inside and got Libby warmed up. From then on, whenever we asked her if she wanted to go outside and play in the snow, like a true Southern Belle, she would reply, "no, it's too cold".


Sarah said...

I totally thought that this was a picture of you with Allie.

I had to look twice (ok, 4 times) at the picture, plus read what you wrote before I realized that it's Libby. :O

BoxcatAV said...

Is that Libby's snowsuit? The colors are totally not what I picture you picking out for her.