Thursday, June 28, 2007

2 Week Appointment

Last Friday, Reagan went in for her 2 week appointment. She has surpassed her birth weight and is almost 7 lbs now, which is the 25th percentile. At Libby's 2 week appointment she was 5 lbs 14 oz, which was the 5th percentile. Dr. Geiger she was very happy with Reagan's progress.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!, originally uploaded by Jon Kurt.

Two adults, two babies, and two wiener dogs on our way to Chicago.

Happy Birthday Maddy

My oldest niece Madeline turns 9 today. Here are 5 things you might not know about her.

picture coming soon

5. I, as her favorite Uncle came up with the whole "cheeto head" nick-name. Her Aunt Susan wanted to call her "frito head", but I would have none of that.
4. Maddy has the best birthday parties. She use to have a moon-jump at her parties, I would look forward to this all year. For her 6th birthday, I got her 13 presents.
3. Madeline and I both like guinea pigs. Mine were named Herbert and Gertrude, hers is named Cocoa.
2. Maddy has an amzing sense of style. Beth sometimes calls her for fashion advice and Madeline tells her What Not to Wear.
1. Sweet Madeline has such an amazing heart. She was so great with her cousin Libby when I was up watching the kids for the week. I can't wait until Madeline is a little older and can babysit for us.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wide Awake

Each day Reagan is having more and more awake time, which is ironic since it seems like each night she sleeps less and less.

Today she sat with me for over 20 minutes, which is a new record. Usually Beth has me hold her to get her awake and screaming to feed. But this afternoon she sat with me, watched me, and listened to me tell her all about the ways of the world.

Reagan's First Bath

A few days ago Reagan's umbilical cord fell off, since neither her mother nor grandmother would eat it as the aboriginal women do, her Aunt Errin ground it up and used it as a face mask to remove her wrinkles. Last night Reagan had her first bath. She was surprisingly good. Other then peeing through a wash cloth and towel before getting in the tub, she seemed to really like it. And boy did she need it, her last bath was given 11 days ago by the nurses in the nursery.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

An Angel

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In this picture Stretch, as our oldest child is watching over his newest sister Reagan. Just like Dan did in this family photo.

Reagan's Big Girl Bed

Reagan didn't like her crib very much so we moved her straight into her big girl bed. We think she will be sleeping through the night tonight.

Chatterbox Libby

This video is a little long, but very cute to watch. Libby sat down at the table with Beth and started reading through the Sunday ads and giving her commentary on them.

Another Collage

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I seem to be in a better mood them Libby in this picture.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Reagan Nicknames

Dave came up with some pretty good nicknames for Reagan, but so far this week we have came up with much better ones. Some of my favorite so far:

Winnie (from her initials R.V.)
Baby Raisin (thanks to Ally)

I'll post more as we come up with them.

Hula Girl

I remember when Libby use to wear this little Hula girl outfit even though it was huge on her, she weighed a whole pound less then Reagan does at a week. It fits Reagan really well, it is amazing what an extra pound on a baby does.

Coming or Going

Libby usually hates wearing hats, but for some reason has taken a shining to Allies straw hat that she brought down with her. Libby wears it and wanders around the house with it pulled all the way down. Luckily she can see through the holes in it so she doesn't bump into anything.


Libby loves Reagan. Any chance she gets she wants to hold her or let everyone around her know to "shhh" cause Ray-gun is sleeping. So far Libby is very gentle with her and hasn't gotten to jealous with all the attention her mom is paying to Reagan.

Drinking Fountain

Libby loves drinking out of drinking fountains. And for being less then 2 years old she is pretty good at it. She doesn't put her mouth all over the fountain like most kids do.

Sleeping Reagan

Reagan is already learning to roll her eyes at the odd things her Aunt Sooze says.

I guess I don't remember much about Libby as a baby, because I have no recollection of Libby sleeping as much as Reagan does. It seems all she does is sleep, eat, and poop, add TV to that and you basically have my life.


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This was the first week that Libby got to have bubbles in her bath. Her cousin Allie showed her how to make a bubble beard by dipping her chin into a pile of bubbles.


Beth's mom made me a sling to carry Reagan around in. Instead of paying $25 like my sister did for hers, we spent $4 on mine. I am considering going into business with my mother-in-law. She will make the slings and I will sell them on eBay, giving her a 4% cut.

Botanical Garden

On Thursday Grandma and I took Libby to the Memphis Botanical Gardens to get her out of the house for a while (Libby, not Grandma). While Libby didn't appreciate the flowers and trees quite as much as her Grandma, I think she had a fun time.

Libby got a bit tired of all the walking and rested a while on this rock.

Grandma bought some fish food for Libby to feed the fish with. The fish were carps about 2 feet long. As you can see there was nothing between Libby and the scary fish except for a little rope. If Libby had fallen in, I am afraid it would have been up to Grandma to rescue her as I am as afraid of fish as I am of birds. After feeding the fish we were almost attacked by as goose who thought we were trying to get her gosling. Luckily Grandma was there to protect us and squirt the goose with water from a water bottle as I ran away screaming like a girl.

Libby's favorite part of the gardens was when her Grandma taught her how to splash through a puddle. Grandma and Libby walked back and forth many times getting wetter and wetter each time.

Weight Check

Reagan went in for her one week weight check on Friday. The doctor was very happy with her progress and Beth's breast feeding abilities. By next week Reagan should be back up to her birth weight.

One Week Old

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Heading Home

After only 48 hours in the hospital, we are heading home! Reagan did great during her newborn
screening, she didn't even peep when they drew blood.

Hearing Screening

Reagan passed her hearing test with flying colors. Now when she gets older and ignores me, I'll know it is selective hearing like her mother has.

More then meets the eye

With the popularity of the Transformers, I thought I would show everyone my transforming couch. It was very comfortable to sleep on, I got more sleep here then at home. Last night I basically slept from 10 p.m. til 8 a.m. I told Beth to wake me up if she needed anything, but she said she was fine all through the night. Reagan slept well, in mom's arms most of the night.

Mom and Reagan

I love these pictures of Beth and Reagan taken last night. Reagan was wide awake and looking up so lovingly at her mom. Of course Beth was looking back lovingly.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Mud Island River Walk

Today, while Kris stayed at the hospital with Beth and Reagan (snuggling her the whole time), Libby, Papa and I went down to the Mud Island River Walk Park. We walked all the way from Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana (or at least a scale version of it). This was the first time Libby had been there this season and she had a ball. She is finally old enough to walk through it without falling constantly or hurting herself.

Libby and Papa took a break to watch a barge heading down the Mississippi.

Libby thought she was piloting this boat, little did she know it was still on land.

Her first outfit

Reagan's Aunt Kris got this outfit for her. She wore it for the hospital photos of which we didn't get any of.

Libby and her babies

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Walking Again

Beth once again has amazed all her nurses by walking less then 8 hours after major surgery. Beth took three laps around the ward (about 1 1/2 miles). She is hoping that they will allow her to come home on Sunday and not make her stay the usual three days after a c-section.


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Big Boy

I look huge in both of these pictures, as my sister was nice enough to point out. The thing is, I have been losing weight the past few weeks, almost 9 lbs. I am down to a 2 year low of 164. Beth said that the yellow shirt is to big on me (it is a Large) and the picture of me in the hospital gown was taken while Beth was laying down pointing the camera up at me. My goal is to lose about 6 more pounds and be back to my fighting weight for next fall when I plan on competing in the Ultimate Fighting Championship when it comes to Memphis.