Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hand Face

Libby woke up the other day from a nap with a huge handprint on the side of her head. At first I thought Uncle Will had played "I can make your hand smell like an orange" and then when Libby went to smell it he slammed it into her face.
But upon further investigation, and knowing that Will wasn't within 700 miles of Memphis, I concluded that she had just slept on her hand during her afternoon nap.
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Anonymous said...

Umm, that handprint looks a little large for a baby hand?!?

As they say "child abuse leaves the shadow of a lifetime."

Jon said...

Libby acutally takes after her Aunt Laura who also has large hands. You know what they say about people with large hands...they wear large mittens.

Will said...

I'm glad that I'm innocent by virtue of being 700 miles away, not because I would never, ever lay a hand on Libby's face! Slap the soles of her feet, you bet. Face... never.