Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Rat Killer

Our minature weiner dog Stretch killed a rat today. He has been going outside and barking at our shed alot lately, I would open the shed up and nothing would be in there. Well today he was barking and scratching at the door so I went out there to yell at him. He was standing over the dying rat barking his head off. I brought him inside and waited an hour or so to let the rat die. When I came back out the rat had turned around in his dying throes and I could see the wet area were Stretch must have gotten him by the haunches and broken his back. Beth suggested that I should have let Stretch eat the rat like G. Gordon Liddy would have, but instead I threw it over the neighbors fence. Posted by Picasa


Sooze said...

I find it funny that your daughter gets her first tooth, and instead of blogging about that, you blog about a rat that your dog killed.

Sad. Real Sad.

Unknown said...

Em replied..."Oh Stretchie that's gross! You should love rats not kill them. He's not going to make animal friends that way."

Anonymous said...

looks more like a mouse to me!

Jon said...

1. Thanks for ruining the surprise about the tooth Susan. Beth didn't know about it yet and I was waiting to tell her until she got home.
2. Tell Emily that Stretch has enough friends and doesn't need anymore.
3. Trust me it's a rat, you can tell by the tail. As my neighbor said "rats and squirrels are basically the same thing, squirrels just have better marketing"

Unknown said...

I killed a mole yesterday morning. I went out to get the paper, saw it run across the grass and crushed it with my foot. Please tell stretchy that I'm helping the cause to rid the world of rodents.

rudi said...

Dude, Stretch killed Splinter!

Dan said...

Emily is a RAT lover not a killer.