Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Matt

Happy Birthday Matthew Marie
Matthew is my oldest nephew and he turns 11 years young today. Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about Matthew.

10. He isn't allowed to go to a public school, so his parents enrolled him in a charter school.
9. When he was a baby his head tasted very much like a peanut.
8. I am by far his favorite uncle, he has told me numerous times and regardless of what he says now, it still is true.
7. Matt has black and brown belts in all sorts of marshal arts, but I can still whoop his butt in a fight. His younger brother Andy can also bring him to his knees with a shot to the junk.
6. Matthew has more beanie babies then hairs on his head. He has to sleep on the floor because his bed is so full of stuffed animals.
5. He has come up with more funny sayings then anyone I know. "Sharp knife-shovel", "head back...just water" and "mint gum" are just a few of my favorite.
4. Matthew received a "check-minus" in scissor usage during kindergarten. Luckily his Mom was a Creative Memories Consultant and was able to talk to his principal and get the teacher fired and the grade changed.
3. Matthew loves babies more then anyone I know, except for his Grandma. He is also the only Kurt cousin I would trust to watch Libby.
2. Matthew always carries a nickel around in his pocket. When he sees someone who looks sad, he gives them his nickel and does a funny little jig. It always makes that person smile.
1. I bought Matthew his first pet the day after his younger brother Andrew was born. The goldfish died soon after. Posted by Picasa


Sooze said...

You mean Allie and Matthew are the only cousins that you can trust with Libby. Allie has practically raised your daughter.

Unknown said...

"Sharp Knife Shovel" doesn't sound nearly as amusing when you don't know what it means. People don't get that it's a metaphor for skiing, eating and so many other things in life.

Matthew has cheered me up so many times with his little jig and nickle.