Saturday, September 08, 2007

Happy Birthday Reagan

Today Reagan celebrates 3 months on this earth. We can remember vividly the day she was born, it was a hot and humid day, almost exactly like today.

Here are a few things you might not know about Reagan:

  • For not doing much all day except sleeping and eating, she has the stinkiest and sweatiest feet of anyone I know.
  • Reagan is the only one of our children to use a pacifier. She is not a huge fan of it and will mostly take it or leave it.
  • She loves the dogs, but hates to be French Kissed by Stretch.
  • She has a beautiful smile and one dimple on her left cheek (face not butt).
  • Reagan had much more hair then Libby did at birth, but she is finally starting to lose a lot of it. Right now it looks like she is wearing a really bad toupee.
  • Her fingernails get trimmed at least once a week, yet her toenails have never been.
  • For being a breast fed baby, she stinks. Her poop and her farts smell horrible. I always blame Beth at first for the odor.
  • Oddly enough Reagan has one older sister, but no younger sisters. While Libby has the exact opposite.


BoxcatAV said...

Happy Birthday, Reagan!
Love, your kitty friends in Michigan.

Sherry said...

This is such a darling picture of her. She is sooo cute! I also love the video of Libby. She obviously has her Grandma's phone skills!