Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Years Resolution

My New Years Resolution this year really didn't have anything to do with me, but had everything to do with Reagan. Basically since she was born she has been sleeping in bed with us at night and even taking naps in our bed. We would try to let her fall asleep in our bed and then transfer her to her crib, but she would start crying minutes later. After a while we gave up and let her sleep in bed with us. I HATED this, she would wake up at least 2 times a night and would not go back to sleep unless she was fed.
So starting January 1st, I kicked Reagan out of our bed and she did just fine sleeping in the crib in our bedroom. She would still wake up twice a night, especially when we came to bed, apparently we were always to loud for her. Last week while Beth was up in Michigan for an interview, I started sleeping in the back guest room and allowing Reagan to cry herself back to sleep. She has been doing amazing. Since then she has slept though the night almost every night, and the nights she does wake up she only cries for 15-20 minutes (but wow is she ever loud, she really knows how to kick it up to 11).
Reagan is now sleeping in the crib, uninterrupted from about 8 p.m. until 7:30 a.m. Next week we are going to attempt to move Reagan into Libby's room, so that Beth and I will get our bed back.

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