Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Potty Time Update

Thanks to a visit from my sister Susan and her family, for the most part Libby is now potty trained. She was able to watch Ben and Allie go to the bathroom all by themselves so she started doing the same. Libby now will go potty and then come and tell me afterwards so she can get a jelly bean. Her favorite thing to do is to toot after she tinkles and then announce to who ever is around. She wears big girl underwear all the time now, except when we go out for more then a few hours since she still has a phobia about going potty on other toilets. She also wears diapers to bed but has woken up a few times in the morning with a dry diaper.
We now just have to teach her that underwear go on her bottom, not on her head.

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