Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Appropriate

The caption over Reagan could not be more appropriate. About 5 weeks ago Reagan decided that she didn't need to eat anymore. She went from being a great eater who would try anything to eating only crackers, yogurt, frozen waffles (toasted), and miscellaneous pieces of bread. Not only would she not eat anything, she would take whatever you put on her tray and immediately throw in onto the floor with a look that said "screw you". And since we took her off the bottle cold turkey two weeks ago, she would barely drink anything out of her sippy cup.

All of the sudden on Sunday, she decided she was hungry again. Now she is eating and drinking like a champ. Hopefully now she will start to gain some weight and people will stop mistaking her for an 8 month old, or as my sister thinks, my grandma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So is this medieval stockade your backyard parenting tool? Lock your daughter in it until she eats ...... or to scare her into thinking the birds will peck her eyes out? Is that where YOUR fear of birds came from? Hmmm, it all makes sense now.