Friday, September 05, 2008

Birthday Present

For Libby's third birthday, we went back and forth about what to get her. We could not decide between a wagon and a power wheel jeep. After thinking about it we decided that since neither of us had a power wheel growing up, and our childhoods were lacking because of it, we got her the jeep.
She woke up on Tuesday and the first thing she said was, Mama, it's my birthday. We took her downstairs and she noticed this in the hearth room.

She was very excited to say the least. She spent the entire first day just playing with it inside the house. She explored every nook and crany on the jeep, putting "gas" in it, looking under the hood, changing tires, and playing with the working FM radio. It wasn't until later that evening when Beth got home from work did we take it out side and let her drive it around.


Sooze said...

How is this going to help her learn how to pedal her bike??

Anonymous said...

Oh! her childhood is complete! You are officially the best parents ever.

Anonymous said...

Did the "infant hood ornament" come standard, or did you have to pay extra for the upgrade?