Saturday, September 17, 2005

Cooper Young Art Festival

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by Jon Kurt.
We took Beth's mom down to the Cooper Young Art Festival today, it is the largest art festival in TN in the largest historical district in TN. It was a perfect day for it, we got there around 10 a.m. and the weather couldn't have been nicer. We left around 2 p.m. when it started to get kinda hot. Beth ended up buying some clay pieces for our walls and her mom bought a parrot pot. I can't count the number of people who came up to us to comment on how cute Libby is and how small she is. Everyone down here says "Awww look at the bitty baby". Southern hospitality is still alive down here. We ducked down a side street to get into the shade to change Libby's diaper when a lady comes out of her house across the street and asks us if we need anything for the baby or if we just need to come inside to cool the baby down. We declined, but it was very nice of her to offer.

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