Sunday, September 18, 2005

Jesus Loves Me this I Know

For special occasions growing up my Mother would allow us to use her most prized possessions, crystal cordial glasses with pictures of Greek gods on them, to drink our orange juice or soda out of. Of course we didn't know they were Greek gods and assumed they were pictures of Jesus and his disciples. So we called them "Jesus Loves Me" glasses or "G-Love Me" for short. Because I am by far my Mom's favorite child she gave them to me when I got a house of my own (and yes, I do allow Beth to use them on special occasions, but she only drinks hard liquor out of them). Well I should have known that my sister Susan (Boom) wasn't flying down just to meet Libby, her main goal was to steal one of the precious glasses. She took it right out from under my nose and then sent me these pictures of her children, Gabe and Baby Allie, to taunt me. Well I still have the last laugh because my Dad gave me his most cherished possession, his Maxwell House coffee container change jar. Whenever we needed our 12 cent weekly allowence or change for a quarter, my Dad would let us go into his top dresser drawer and get it out of the jar. I'm glad I hid the jar during her visit.

1 comment:

Andromeda said...

HAHA, that is quite funny. great read!