Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kitchen Remodel

We finally have our kitchen put back together. After about 6 weeks of chaos, everything has come together nicely. Here are some pictures:



It is great, we more then doubled our counter space and added tons more cabinets. We now have cabinets and drawers that are empty, which is a great problem to have. We still have a few things to take out of the attic, which is where we had to store quite a few things in the past. All thats left to do is some trim around the base of the cabinents and molding around the ceiling.


Sarah said...

The kitchen looks AMAZING!! Now you can list your house for a ton of money and move back north. :)

Sooze said...

well, you will have one less "G-Love me" glass to put away.

Glad to be of help to you!

Rich said...

They really pay their fellows well in Memphis....

Kitchen, Deck, Bathroom... Your worse than Rudi....

Anonymous said...

I love the white. Very nice... Nothing better then a new kitchen.

Unknown said...

Wow, it looks nice. The ceiling looks like it's sagging.

Laura said...

Love it! It looks great, especially the ceiling!

BoxcatAV said...

Wow! Very impressive. Who did the work?

I'm intrigued by the laundry in the kitchen.

Can you please post a full virtual tour of your home so I fully understand? (Since I'm not a family member who will come visit (or I mean work)