Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Damon

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Our friend Damon turned 31 today. Here are 10 things you might not know about Damon:
1. Damon likes to keep his house at a balmy 85 in the summer and a crisp 62 in the winter, much to the chagrin of his wife.
2. Damon has more body hair then a Yeti. His body hair keeps him warm while he swims in the dead of winter.
3. Damon works at St. Jude where is main job is borrowing mices eyeballs to experiment on. According to some of his patient's moms Damon is the George Clooney of St. Jude.
4. According to Damon's Mii age he is only 29. What he is lacking in is stamina, much to the chagrin of his wife.
5. Damon's favorite restaurant is Chipolte. He has even paid for a tee-shirt to walk around giving them free advertising.
6. Damon is not a huge fan of dogs. He jumps and squeals like a school girl when either of our 10 lb dogs jump on his lap or come anywhere near his toes. He once threw his pregnant wife in front of him to protect himself from a dog on walk.
7. Damon doesn't believe in throwing anything away. He still has clothes in his closet from high school.
8. Damon can eat more than anyone I know (except for my brother-in-law Kevin). He regularly eats left over baby food off Isabelle's face and hands. Damon can also eat two entrees from Pei-Wei.
9. His favorite band is Tool. Last year for his birthday I got him this tee shirt. Damon is also a huge fan of Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. He sometimes says that he is Damonlicious.
10. Damon is one of the more liberal people I know. After he finishes his Fellowship, he plans on moving to Minnesota just so he can vote for his hero, Al Franken.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lumpy Libby

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Whenever Libby wears a onesie, she likes to take her toys and stuff them into her shirt. Today she had 12 puzzle pieces and assorted items of cookware in her shirt.

What I watch

With so many new shows on the TV schedule and some having been canceled, I thought I would update you all on what I watch each week. As you will see I have scaled back my TV watching quite a bit.

King of the Hill
Family Guy
The Simpson's
American Dad
The Winner
The Apprentice: L.A.

How I Met Your Mother
Two and Half Men
The Class
New Adventures of Old Christine
Rules of Engagement
Prison Break
Black Donnelly's
The Riches

American Idol
King of Cars

American Idol: Results
America's Next Top Model
Dirty Jobs
Top Design
Good Eats
South Park
Halfway Home
Knights of Prosperity (may be canceled by now)

My Name is Earl
The Office
30 Rock
Andy Barker: P.I.

I record nothing, just catch up on shows

This Old House Hour
America's Test Kitchen
Saturday Night Live

First 20 minutes of the View (just to hear Rosie get my blood boiling)
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Jack's Big Music Show (for Libby to watch)

For those of you who aren't watching it, The Black Donnellys is the best new show of the season. Go to or itunes and download the past 3 episodes to get yourself caught up. This is also the first season I am watching of 24, it is OK, not sure I will watch it next season.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Helper Monkey

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My sister and sister-in-laws are always asking how I keep the house so clean while still being able to spend so much quality time with Libby. Well the secret is out, Libby helps me clean. She has taken to removing the swiffer from the closet and running it all over the floors. Afterwards I give her a nickel.

Baby in a Box

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After finding out that Beth's sister-in-laws had decided not to have a baby shower for Beth and the new baby, we went out shopping this weekend to Babies "R" Us. We had heard great things about the Bumbo from some of the people Beth works with, so we picked one up. While it is suppose to help newborns from 3-14 months old sit up, Libby also enjoys the box. She will drag it out of her bedroom and bring it into the den and sit in it while reading Readers Digest. She also finds it hilarious when we put Stretch or Zoe in it, which is truly a wiener in a box.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monkey See, Monkey Doo

During lunch I usually work on the New York Times crossword puzzle as Libby watches on. Now when I leave it laying around, she will bring it to the table, sit down and pretend to fill in answers (she hasn't gotten one correct yet).

She also has a new job around the house. After we are done changing her diaper, she takes the diaper and brings it to the trashcan and throws it out. Libby also insists on bringing her socks to the hamper each night to throw them in.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

18 Month Pictures

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Libby went to The Picture People today to get her 18 month pictures taken. To say she was a trouble maker is an understatement. She cried most of the time, kept walking away from the shooting area to play in the lobby, and kept turning her head and body just as the photographer was going to take the picture. They usually only use one roll of film per child, but Libby needed two to get enough good pictures. To top things off, we had been keeping an extra close eye on Libby for the past week to make sure she was bump and bruise free. But this morning we went to the zoo and as we were leaving the monkey exhibit, she triped and fell and scratched her forehead up good. Luckily her hair covers most of it. To see each individual picture just click here.

First Haircut

Libby went to get her first haircut today. Three minutes and $19 (including tip) later she came out looking much cuter. While Libby was getting her haircut, I wanted to tell the hair stylist not to make Libby look like a boy, but then I sized up the hair stylistt, who was a manish looking woman, and kept my mouth shut. Libby cried most of the time because she did not like the cape over her hands and didn't want to sit by herself in the chair. We were able to calm her down by feeding her M&Ms.

And here is Libby mullet free. Beth and I are now not embarrassed to be seen in public with Libby.

Jack's Big Music Show

Libby has a new favorite TV show. She watches Jack's Big Music Show each day on Noggin. It is a great show that has enough funny things in it to even amuse Beth and I while we watch it with her. From what I have read, each day Libby watches the show it is the equivalant of 1 day of pre-school.

Libby's favorite part of the show is the opening song, she claps her hands, stomps her foot, woofs like a dog with Mel, and sings "dum-ditty dum dee dum dee dum day" with Jack's best friend Mary.
This is a good start to Libby's TV watching career and I can't wait until we can watch even more TV together.