Thursday, August 23, 2007

Great Work If You Can Get It

Dan emailed me this interesting article he tore out and scanned from USA Today. It talks about the trials and tribulations of being a stay-at-home Dad.

Don't call him Mr. Mom


A rising number of U.S. fathers are home full time with their children:

1996: 49,000
2006: 159,000

Source: U.S. Census
By Marilyn Elias, USA TODAY
SAN FRANCISCO — Nice work if you can get it. That's the consensus of fairly affluent, well-educated fathers who stay home full time with their children, according to a pioneering study released over the weekend.

About 159,000 men in the USA are full-time fathers, more than triple the number a decade ago, Census data show. "Just don't call them 'Mr. Mom.' They really don't like it," says Aaron Rochlen of the University of Texas-Austin. He spoke at a panel on cutting-edge research about fathers at the American Psychological Association meeting.

Rochlen co-wrote a study of 213 men who became fathers, on average, in their late 30s after such diverse jobs as computer techie, bouncer and soldier. Career-focused wives who could bring home the filet mignon, and an anti-nanny outlook, encouraged their job change. Their satisfaction and marital happiness were as high as traditional parents, says co-author Ryan McKelley. They felt confident and good-humored about the challenges.

Many reported being ostracized on the playground and excluded from parent support groups; the men overall had less social support than men living more traditional lives, McKelley says. And they weren't male Martha Stewarts. Many had passionate interests in sports and traditional male pursuits such as fishing and fixing cars. "They don't fit any stereotypes," McKelley says.

I agree about feeling ostracized at times, when I have been to the mall play area during the week all the mom's look at me like I have a third eye or poop on my shirt. Also I prefer to be call a Rebel Dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"all the mom's look at me like I have a third eye or poop on my shirt"

So, becoming a dad hasn't changed anything for you, eh??