Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another Desticle

We almost had another "desticle" on Sunday night. It was about 8 p.m., the weather was beautiful, no rain or even a breeze in the air, when all of a sudden we heard a huge crash from the backyard. We both ran outside to see what had happened and found this limb (the limb was longer, about 9 feet more of it broke into smaller pieces and had already been carried out to the curb when this picture was taken) had fallen, taking down the overhead cable/internet line (Thank God the cable and internet didn't go out).

So on Monday (against my mother-in-laws advice) we called a few different tree services to come out and give us estimates on getting all the dead branches and limbs removed. We decided on Robinson's Tree Service and they will be coming out in the next few days to trim the oak up. It is about 70 feet tall and over 75 years old the guy estimated. Since there is no way to get a cherry-picker in the back yard they will be doing all the work up in the tree, should be fun to watch. I can't believe how many dead limbs there were that he pointed out to me. Now every time the wind blows or it rains I worry what else is going to fall out of the tree.IMG_4952.JPG

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