Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Libby's Christmas Pageant

Libby had her first Christmas Pageant today. It was the best one ever in that it lasted less then 15 minutes. The teachers would parade a class into the Chapel and the kids would sing a song, those children would leave as the next class would be entering. Just like a well oiled machine. Beth, Reagan and I had aisle seats so we had to hide our heads as Libby's class was coming in, or she would have screamed "mama, daddy" and sat with us instead of singing. We also couldn't let her see us during the performance for the same reason, so I had to record her from far away with extreme zoom.
Libby is in the front row far left. You may think this is a charismatic church the way Libby has her arms raised throughout the song, but it isn't, she is just doing the motions to the songs "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Jesus Loves Me".

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Messy Baby

After taking Reagan to her 6 month well check appointment we vowed to start feeding her solid foods at least twice a day. She HATES them with a passion, she hates them more then her Uncle Rudi hates two-way streets! The first few times we gave her rice cereal of which she promptly threw up. Then we tried vanilla custard (baby style) and had a little bit better luck, but I still think she got more on her then in her. For the past few days we have been giving her carrots, and as you can see only about 1% of them actually made it into her pie-hole. We ended up having to wash her outfit, the bib and the bouncy-seat cover. Don't worry Aunt Laura, the stains all came out.

Working Away

We are a little behind in getting our Christmas cards sent out this year because we had Reagan type up our Christmas. She is VERY slow, but oh so cute.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Standing Up

Last week we got out some more of Libby's old toys for Reagan to play with. So far Reagan loves standing up and pressing all the buttons on this on. It brings back many memories of Libby doing the same thing and I already have the toy's annoying song of "stir, stir, stir the soup" in my head.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

She Flings Poo

Libby awoke from her nap around 2:15 p.m. today, a little earlier then usual. I went in to see what was the matter and the odor hit me. Apparently before she fell asleep she had pooped in her diaper and instead of letting it mellow, she took some of it out and smeared it all on her forehead, in her hair, on her pillow case and on the wall. I washed everything in her bed, scrubbed the wall and threw Libby immediately in the bathtub for a good scrubbing. Kinda makes me not want to give her good night kisses on the forehead anymore.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reagan's Six Month Check-Up

Reagan went in for her 6 month well-check appointment today. She is growing like a weed. She now weighs 15 lbs 7 ozs which is the 40%, she is 26 1/2 inches long, 50% and her noggin is 43 cm around, 70%. She had 4 shots today, including her flu shot, plus some sort of vaccine she had to take orally. She screamed like a scalded ass ape for all of them.
Reagan did a great job sitting up and pulling herself up showing off all of her muscles. Her parents have failed her in the feeding department as we have only given her cereal twice, the second time being yesterday where she threw everything up all over us and her. We plan on making an effort to give her solid food twice a day from now on, vomit or no vomiting.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Sitting and Standing

Reagan now loves to stand up, although she can't do it on her own yet, she still likes to stretch her legs out and blow spit bubbles at you.

Reagan started sitting by herself about two weeks ago, a full six weeks earlier then Libby did. She has been able to sit for 3 minutes before toppling over.

Adventures in Potty Training

Last week while putting up our Christmas tree, Libby finally showed an interest in her potty chair. So Beth decided that we would let Libby run around bare bottomed so that when she had to potty she could quickly sit down and use her potty chair. After about 10 minutes of naked tree trimming, Libby screamed "oh-no" as she peed under the Christmas tree, not quite making it to the potty chair. Before we could stop her, she ran into the kitchen grabbed a towel and started cleaning it up herself.
Later that night while Libby was playing in her bed before she fell asleep, I went in to check on her to see what the noises were all about. I saw her in the dark and something didn't look quite right, it turns out she had taken off her pajamas and diaper, peed on the comforter and was laying naked under the covers.
So Libby is not yet potty trained, but she is still young. My brother-in-law Rudi's mother told me he wasn't completely out of diapers until he was five.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Sad but True

One of the nice things about running a marathon in the city of Memphis (like the St Jude Marathon) is all of the homeless people out and about to cheer you on.