Saturday, December 15, 2007

She Flings Poo

Libby awoke from her nap around 2:15 p.m. today, a little earlier then usual. I went in to see what was the matter and the odor hit me. Apparently before she fell asleep she had pooped in her diaper and instead of letting it mellow, she took some of it out and smeared it all on her forehead, in her hair, on her pillow case and on the wall. I washed everything in her bed, scrubbed the wall and threw Libby immediately in the bathtub for a good scrubbing. Kinda makes me not want to give her good night kisses on the forehead anymore.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We all laughed pretty hard as we read this. Maddie and Nate did that when they were little. I'm pretty sure that at that time you said, "When I have kids, I'll never allow them to smear poop on themselves." What happened to that?