Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Messy Baby

After taking Reagan to her 6 month well check appointment we vowed to start feeding her solid foods at least twice a day. She HATES them with a passion, she hates them more then her Uncle Rudi hates two-way streets! The first few times we gave her rice cereal of which she promptly threw up. Then we tried vanilla custard (baby style) and had a little bit better luck, but I still think she got more on her then in her. For the past few days we have been giving her carrots, and as you can see only about 1% of them actually made it into her pie-hole. We ended up having to wash her outfit, the bib and the bouncy-seat cover. Don't worry Aunt Laura, the stains all came out.


Rich said...

wow... that looks like Will after the the all you can eat at the winnnnnnnnnn.....

Hoekzema said...

Spray'N'Wash with resolve power. It's my best friend. Ainsley was an awful eater at the beginning too.