Thursday, May 15, 2008

Paul Harvey

Last week my brother-in-law Rudi got his panties in a bundle about an experience he had at his local branch of Wells Fargo. He blogged this:

I immediately deposited the cashier's check the buyer paid me with to buy my car. At the (very crowded) bank, the teller announces, "Wow, that's a NICE check!" after I hand it to her. She proceeds to ask how I came about this much money. I told her that I sold my car, to which she responded, "Well it must have been a real nice car!".

I'm slightly annoyed by this but decide to shrug it off. The teller then tells me that the bank will have to 'put a hold' on the check due to the amount. I found this to be odd considering the check was a cashier's check -- the funds are already secured. Fine, whatever... I ask how long it will be held and she tells me that it depends on what the computer thinks. WHAT?

After a few minutes of fiddling around with her computer, she asks a colleague to come over for assistance and hands her my check. The second teller looks at me and asks, "WHAT DID YOU DO?". The first teller explains that I just sold my car. Then she asked, "What kind of car was it?"

Wondering why I am suddenly being interrogated for depositing a relatively large sum of money, I told her what kind of car it was. "And you got this much for that?", she continued.

Are you kidding me? What the French Toast difference does it make how much I got for the car? And why are you insulting me to my face (save that for when I leave)? Sure, maybe the guy paid too much, but that is in my favor and since I am putting my money in YOUR bank, it is in YOUR favor too. I could maybe understand the questions and holding the check if it were a personal check, and/or if I were a new customer - but I've banked there for 5 yrs and it was a CASHIER'S check!

This can't be the norm - anyone have a perfectly reasonable explanation?
Rudi got much sympathy from others in the blog world, but he didn't tell the whole story.

As Paul Harvey would say "Here is the rest of the story":

Rudi looked liked this when he walked into the bank.

Would you cash this man's check without asking lots of questions? Thank you Wells Fargo for protecting all of us.

Happy 30th Birthday Rudi!


rudi said...

You can't judge a book by it's cover, Jon. But no, I wouldn't trust that guy -- he looks pretty sketchy.

Nice try old man Kurt... but I'm only 29. You'll know when I've reached my thirties when I start having kids.

Jon said...

One piece of advice I can give you is to move closer to family before you start having kids next year. I can tell you first hand how much it sucks to be hundreds of miles away from Grandparents and other family.