Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Print Work

On Wednesday, Libby, Reagan and I met Beth at the hospital to participate in a photo shoot that would help new patients coming into the hospital. Libby played a patient, I was a deaf parent, Reagan played a sibling of a patient and Beth played a doctor. I had to do the most acting. Libby did a great job, we were very proud of her. She can sometimes be very shy, but she did an amazing job of interacting with the photographer and nurse. They got tons of great pictures. We look forward to seeing the final product sometime in October.

photo.jpg by you.


Unknown said...

Doesn't Beth play Doctor every day work with her colleagues?

Did you ask if you could be deaf, dumb and blind - while still playing a mean pinball?

boxcatav said...

Libby was an especially good patient. I am SO happy she was able to join us.