Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vacations Over

My six week vacation ended Monday when Beth went back to work. Reagan and I were both a little worried because until Monday, she had only taken a few bottles and wasn't crazy about them. Monday morning started with a lot of screaming from a hungry baby who wouldn't take a bottle. After a lot of sleeping and gentle convincing from me, Reagan now takes a bottle like a champ. To make things more complicated, Beth took call on Tuesday, which meant I was solo from Tuesday at 8 a.m. until Wednesday around 4 p.m. Other then getting up four times to eat during the night, everything went well.

During the past week, I have become aware of two things about myself:
  1. At no time am I louder and more clumsy then when I am trying to be silent and stealthy.
  2. I would rather touch poop or pee then get breast milk anywhere on my body.

1 comment:

BoxcatAV said...

Does it really feel that different on the body?