Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 2

While this may look like feces smeared on a piece of paper, it isn't. This was the "art" project from Libby's second day at PDO. November's color of the month is brown and the shape is square, so this is Libby's interpretation of both. They also learned this cute little song that Libby has been singing all day:

"Brown Brown, Flush you Down,
All the Way to Chinatown,
While Your there, Don't be Square
Or You'll Forget Your Underwear".

Once again Libby did great. When I dropped her off she was crying but stopped as soon as I walked away. She ate "most" of her lunch, had her diaper changed twice, and napped from 12:30 until 2:05 p.m. One of the teacher's told me that Libby has a new friend who she played baby doll with most of the day, her name is Libby also.
The only hitch today was during pick-up time. Last week at the exit they had dum-dum suckers for the kids, this week, none. Libby cried for almost an hour because she wanted a "treat". Later that afternoon we stopped at Krogers and I picked up a bag of suckers to keep in the car for next time.

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