Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1 Year Pictures

On Saturday we took Reagan to Portrait Innovations to get her 1 year pictures taken. The appointment was scheduled for 11 am which should have been the perfect time, right after nap and before she can mess herself at lunch. Reagan was full of grins and giggles on the car ride there. As soon as the camera came out she clammed up and would barely crack a smile.
Usually we sort through 80 to 100 pictures and have a difficult time choosing which ones we should get as most of them are pretty good. This time we had about 50 to choose from and of those 4 or 5 were worth buying. Neither of the ones above were ones we purchased. At times I think she was channeling her cousin Julia. If you want to see the rest of the pictures feel free to look here.


Sooze said...

Must be the dress because Allie had her 1 year picture taken in it and it was the WORST picture ever. I will send it to you!

Laura said...

The second picture looks strikingly similar to a picture we took of you in recent years. I will try to find it and send it to you. Then you must post it along with Allie's one-year picture, just for giggles.