Sunday, June 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Reagan

Today Reagan turns one year old! It is hard to believe that she is no longer a baby, but is now officially a toddler. Here are ten things you might not know about her.
1. She didn't' fall on her face, that is a little patch of exzema that we have had a hard time getting rid of. Hopefully the third visit to the doctors this week will take care of it.
2. Reagan now has 6 teeth, as the top 4 came in all at the same time about 2 weeks ago.
3. Reagan hated baby food so we never fed it to her. We discovered that she would rather just have normal people food (thanks to her Grandma who figured this out for us). Now we can't get Reagan to stop eating. We have to set a limit or else she would continue to eat until she popped.
4. Reagan is hot or cold when it comes to sleeping through the night. She will either sleep from 8 pm until 7 am with out waking, or she will get up 3-4 times a night when her pacifier falls out of her mouth.
5. Beth has trained Reagan to only poop when she is at work. I have to change 2-3 poppy diapers a day, all between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm.
6. Reagan hardly ever plays with typical baby toys. She would much rather play with Libby's toys. Reagan can usually be found standing at Libby's doll house, kitchen, or nursery set.
7. Reagan's nicknames include Reggie, Reggie-Reggie-Roo-Roo (Libby's name for her), Raisin, Reginald, and Little Stink (see item #5).
8. Reagan has never spent a night in her crib. She has only slept in her bassinet, our bed, and her pack-n-play, where she sleeps now. She is looking forward to having her own room at our new house where she will be able to sleep in her crib finally.
9. Nothing does Reagan hate more then having her diaper changed. She is so wiggly that Beth can't change her by herself. It is like trying to hold down a greased pig.
10. In her first year of life, Reagan has flown to Michigan 8 times and has been well behaved each time.


BoxcatAV said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Reagan!
[Word to the wise, stay away from Libby's toys or she might start bossing you around and not letting you play with them like this older sibling did back in the day]

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Reagan!!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sarah and Mike