Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Birthday from the Wife

Guest Blogger Beth--

Happy 33rd Birthday to my sweetheart. Here are more things you may not know about my husband:
1. Jon was born at exactly this moment 33 years ago--10:28 pm. The weather was cold and windy, not unlike the weather today (or at least that's what his mom would say every year when she called on his birthday).
2. When I met Jon, the only thing he knew how to cook was apple pie. Now, if he didn't cook, we would definitely starve.
3. Jon knows that my biggest pet peeve is when he uses incorrect grammar or spelling on his blog, which is why he publishes it unedited and full of mistakes.
4. Jon and I met when he stole my purse after a Campus Life softball game.
5. I can count on one hand the number of fights we've had in 10 years, and they've all been about stupid things.
6. Jon reads on average two books a week, usually between the hours 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. I have growled at him on more than one occasion because he turns pages too loudly or because his little book light shines in my eyes when I am trying to sleep.
7. Jon is really good at keeping a secret, but he hates surprises. A present under the Christmas tree with his name on it drives him crazy.
8. Jon loves to talk with his family on the phone. He has taken to arranging conference calls for me and my sisters because we are so bad at keeping in touch.
9. Jon's favorite cake is pineapple-upsidedown cake. Chocolate cherry cake is a close second. As a bad wife, I made neither of these for his birthday.
10. I have loved Jon's second-grade humor for almost 16 years. I hate to admit it, but it never gets old (maybe with the exception of the mooning incident on Christmas Eve a few years back).
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1 comment:

Laura said...

You forgot to mention that Libby takes after her Daddy with respect to her crooked crack. Sorry....the mooning picture was a sad reminder!