Saturday, June 02, 2007

Beth's Shower

The women who Beth work with held a baby shower for her on Friday, something that even her own sister-in-laws wouldn't do! Baby #2 got a ton of new clothes to wear and even some of the new-fangled fancy diapers for newborns that come with a little cut out for the umbilical cord. One of the coolest things she got was this "baby diaper cake".

The "cake" was three layers tall and made up of receiving blankets and washcloths wrapped around diapers. Socks, spoons, and bibs were attached all around it along with other items. It is almost to nice to unwrap.

It is hard to believe that in less then 6 days we will get to meet our new little Violet.


Sarah said...

(Regarding the last sentence)
The suspense is killing me!! :)

(p.s. Very cool presents!)

Laura said...

We'll be expecting a package with the clothes you'll be letting Julia borrow from Baby Violet's new collection :>)

Unknown said...

I'm guessing that most of the stuff in that cake was stolen from the hospital. if your sister-in-laws had thrown Beth a shower, it wouldn't of had quite that much stolen stuff.