My sister-in-law Laura turns 31 this year. Here are 10 things you might not know about her.
10. She takes her kids to McDonald's to play at the play land without buying anything.
9. Laura is the most organized person I know. During Christmas she always creates a spreadsheet of all expenses that she incures and what each person owes her for jointly bought gifts..
8. All of Libby's and Reagan's clothes come from Laura's children, Elise and Julia. When we get a plastic bin of clothes, there is a label on the front of what size clothes the bin contains, and all clothes are laundered, stain free and folded nicely. In contrast when we get clothes from my sister Susan, they have usually just come out of the hamper and are crammed into many plastic grocery bags.
7. Laura makes big babies. Both of her children have been in the 90th to 100th percentiles on the growth chart.
6. Laura doesn't drink, except for Leinenkugel Berry Weiss.
5. Back a few years ago, Laura and Beth bought the exact same weather vane chotsky that is suppose to look like a weathered antique. Laura asked Beth if she was going to sand it down, remove the rust and repaint it.
4. Laura is an expert on baby supplies. She does meticulous research on everything she buys. The only time she has steered us wrong is with the Graco stroller combo. I'm pretty sure she hated hers and wanted us to suffer also.
3. Laura wants people to think she is old, so she is getting a mini-van.
2. Laura is a great cook and always makes delicious meals for us when we visit. But for some reason she burns everything she makes in a crock-pot.
1. Lets just say it is a good thing Laura decided against hyphenating her last name.
Mini-vans ROCK!! All the COOL Moms have them!
First, you've posted one of my favorite pictures of me and Libby. Thank you! Just a few comments:
#10-Buying an $0.89 drink or $0.99 sundae does constitutes buying something.
#5-Funny...I still don't recall that happening.
#4-The Graco is still my favorite.
#2-My skills with the crock pot have improved.
#1-I agree. I remember your mom laughing really hard about that.
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