Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Home for Thanksgiving

Libby and I left Memphis at about 5:30 a.m. CST for the long trek up north. It had been in the mid-50 to 60's and sunny in Tennessee so I am definely not use to snow and freezing temperatures. The trip took about 12 hours to make which is very good for traveling with an infant (it usually took me about 11 1/2 hours driving solo). Libby was so good, she spent the entire trip sleeping of staring at the back of the seat. She made the trip with only three diaper changes and 4 bottles, I perfected the art of bottle feeding while driving (don't worry it is much safer then it sounds). One of the handy things about our car, the Sportcross, is that the front passenger seat folds down into a sort of table. So I used that to change Libby on instead of having to take her into rest area bathrooms. A huge boon was my new video iPod. I LISTENED (not watched) 10 episodes of Family Guy and the first disc of An Evening with Kevin Smith.


Unknown said...

Libby should learn some neat new words from the Family Guy.

Anonymous said...

I just KNEW she would be a DOLL on the way up. Just LIKE her DAD was on CAR RIDES!!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT A GREAT Dad,Son and brother......