Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween

This picture of Libby in her Halloween costume was taken about two months ago. Back then her costume a) fit her and b) didn't make her scream at the top of her lungs. So needless to say Libby did not dress up yesterday for Halloween. Instead of handing out candy or taking Libby out and about in the 13th most dangerous city in the U.S. (if you include "greater Memphis" in the equation we would be 2nd right behind St Louis), we went to a fellow fellow's house to celebrate. It was alot of fun, there were about 12 kids all under the age of two running around playing. Posted by Picasa


~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

I'm glad to know that I was not the only one who didn't dress up my 1 year old for halloween! Libby is so cute!

Rich said...

Was Stretch or Zoe upset that Libby dressed like a wiener dog?

What did you dress up as, a man?