Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy Birthday Errin

Today is Errins's 27th birthday. Here are 10 things about Errin that you might not know.

10. Errin once got kicked out of the Museum of Natural History in Chicago for inappropriately touching a stuffed Hyena's private area.
9. Her nickname growing up was "Enus Penis Carpet Cleanus" after the Regina Carpet Cleaner commericals of the mid -80's. (It doesn't make sense, but it was very fun to sing.)
8. I once convinced Errin that she had wet the bed in our guest room during a visit and that I had to throw the mattress out and get a new one.
7. Errin held the world record for the breast stroke in high school.
6. Errin does not know how to collapse an ironing board.
5. Errin was almost heirress to the "Kick Ass" hot sauce fortune.
4. When Errin started coaching high school boys swimming, the team census quadrupled in hopes of seeing her in a bathing suit.
3. Errin owns more pairs of shoes than Imelda Marcos.
2. If you take the first digit of the year and place it next to the last digit of the year, it gives you Errin's age. (She's 27 in the year 2007.)
1. Errin once had a cold sore when she first met her future husband Rudi, which was so big that we affectionately called it "Montana".


Sarah said...

Jon~that was your funniest birthday post ever.

Errin~I don't know you, but I hope you have a great birthday! Capricorns rule!

rudi said...

Sarah, I will pass the message onto my wife, Errin.

rudi said...

Happy Birthday comments may also be left for Errin at,
but I will pass it on to her, Kris!

Sooze said...

Happy Birthday Errin!!

Love, the Mayes' (is the correct way to write the Mayes plural??)

Dan said...

Rudi, Kris doesn't check your blog because it is so rarely used.

Jon said...

Rudi, Please no spamming on my blog.


rudi said...

Dan, ironically Kris said the exact same thing about your penis.

Anonymous said...


How are you coming with those New Years resolutions?
