Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rosey Cheeks

Most people would look at this picture of Libby and think how cute she looks with her rosey cheeks. But not her mother. As soon as Beth came home from work today she noticed Libby's "slapped cheek" apperance and diagnosed Libby with Parvovirus B19. Luckily it doesn't really make Libby feel sick and she doesn't have a fever. The real danger here is to Beth as she is pregnant and the fetus can catch the virus. So Beth has to call her doctor tomorrow and find out if she needs to be tested to see if she is immune to the virus, there is a 50/50 chance that she is. Even if Beth did catch the virus, it seems that odds are the fetus will be fine. So please pray for Beth and the baby and lets hope for the best.
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Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

Yikes!! When I was a teacher, my pregnant "Teacher-Friends" (as Mike would call them) were always terrified of being exposed to this. We are praying for them!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What happened with the "rosey cheeks"?