Sunday, January 14, 2007


It has been a while since I have blogged anything, so I thought I would try to catch you up on what is going on in our lives.

  • Since Christmas time Libby has gotten in 6 new teeth, pretty much all at once. It all started on the plane ride home from Michigan with explosive diarrhea, which caused a massive diaper-rash. She is doing much better now and is enjoying her new chompers.
  • I bought a new vacuum cleaner. It was rated #2 by consumer reports and it works great. I vacuumed up so much hair and gunk I could have almost made a new dog. The bagless dirt container is fun because I can see how much stuff I have collected in each room. It also has a head light on it so I can vacuum if the power goes out.
  • Beth is starting to get much bigger and her belly is really out there now. She has to wear materinty clothes or a bella-band with her old pants. We will find out the sex of the baby on January 31st. For those of you who don't know yet, Beth's sister Laura is having a baby girl.
  • With some of our Christmas money Beth and I bought a Nintendo Wii. We hav been having loads of fun playing it together and with our friends Damon and Jen. My Mii age ranges from 46 to 66. It can be embarassing for me to play as I usually get whooped by everyone I play with including Beth and Jen who are both pregnant.
  • In the past two weeks Libby has really started to vocalize. She went from saying "Hi" and "Daddy" to a whole new world of "cracker", "no", "wow", "Dog", "cheese" and most importantly "Mama". She is the smartest girl ever.
  • Beth started her Master's classes last week and found out she got a 4.0 for her last semester. Beth might even be smarter then Libby.
Well that is our life in a nutshell, one of my new years resolutions is to try and blog more, so I have already failed on that one.


Dan said...

The nutshell link is one of the funniest I have read in a while. Including this one.

Sarah said...

I agree. Maybe Jon's title for 2007 should be the Link Master.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until Jan.31!!!!!!!

BoxcatAV said...

I agree - bagless vaccums are awesome! I love seeing how much stuff (cat fur) I can gather.

rudi said...

It used to be T.V's, computers, audio equipment, and other high-tech electronic devices. Now it is vacuum cleaners you blog about buying. VACUUM CLEANERS!

The nutshell link is pretty funny, but I opened it at work, which is not funny.