Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Allie

My niece Allie turned 4 years old today. Here are five things you might not know about her.

5. She is the most patient cousin Libby has. One time Libby reached up to take off Allie's hat and accidentally knocked her in the head. Allie told me "it's OK, even if she hits me in the eye it's OK".
4. Allie looks exactly like her mom (my sister). I sometimes call her Little Susan.
3. Allie is not the clearest speaker, sometimes I will have entire conversations with her on the phone not understanding what she is saying until Susan decodes a key word for me. Today's word was "streamers".
2. I helped teach Allie how to ride a two-wheeler bike.
1. Allie was once called a "fat little man" at an Old Folks Home by a lady with dementia.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture of a sweet little girl! Happy Birthday, Allie!

Bethie's Mom

Anonymous said...

Allie does look like Susan!

Dan said...

Yes she does, but smaller