Thursday, May 31, 2007

Memorial Day...Memphis Style

It was a great having Beth home and not working for the entire three day Memorial Day weekend. Beth got her holidays mixed up and thought it was Labor Day weekend, because she kept me busy doing chores around the house all three days. We finished putting up and painting all the trim in the kitchen, so the kitchen is finally complete. And we also weeded and mulched both of the big flower beds in the back yard, one of them we had never touched since we moved in, so it was quite a chore. I am hoping my mother-in-law will help me plant some flowers or something in the one bed when she comes up after the new baby is born.
(just a disclaimer, in the above sentences when I typed "we", I meant "me" because Beth isn't as big of a help right now being 38 weeks pregnant and kind of slow on her feet, but she was there for moral support and to tell me when I was doing something wrong)

We spent a lovely Memorial Day at Isabelle's house this year. The weather was perfect, sunny in the high 80's with a slight breeze. We had beer, burgers and hot dogs to eat, along with a great fruit salad that Beth made. The girls loved playing on the steps of the pool.

But the biggest hit of the day was the sand/water table. The girls played for hours with it. Libby especially loved to mix the water and sand together and drop it all over the ground. I think Isabelle will need to get a new bag of sand for her table soon.

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