Thursday, May 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Ben

My youngest nephew Ben turns 2 today. Here are a few things you might not know about him.

5. When Ben grows up he wants to be a dentist. He will specialize in dogs.
4. Ben is one of Libby's favorite people in the world. When ever she sees a picture of him she says "Bin Bin" and tries to hold him. Ben also is responsible for teaching Libby how to wrestle.
3. I have never called Ben by his given name of Benjamin. He is always Bender or Ben.
2. Ben gets his athletic abilities from his Dad. He is the most athletic 2 year old I have ever seen. If Libby tried to ride a scooter like this she would crack her skull wide open.
1. Ben is the best baby ever. I have never seen him cry or whine. He always has the best smile on his face. It must be because he is a third child.

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