Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Rudi

My brother in law Rudi turns 28 today. Here are 10 things you might not know about him.

10. In the 5th Grade, Rudi changed the spelling of his name from "Rudy" to "Rudi" so he could dot the "i" with a smiley face or a heart.
9. On one of Errin and Rudi's first dates, I arranged for a copy of the movie Rudy to be held for them at their local Hollywood Video.
8. Rudi's favorite basketball player plays for the Memphis Grizzlies. Rudi like him for two reasons.
7. I'm not really sure what Rudi does for a living, but he works mostly nights and loves walls of fire.
6. As I did, Rudi got very lucky in the wife lottery. As my old boss use to say, "Even a blind squirrel will find a nut once-in-a-while."
5. You'll always know when Rudi has sent a funny email or posted a funny comment on a blog, because he will call you and tell you about it.
4. Most of Rudi's high school friends have crazy nicknames like Tiny, Jaws, or Skid-Mark. He was just called Rudi.
3. Rudi pretends to be Hungarian because he loves goulash and paprika.
2. Rudi is one of only 6 people born since 1979 who went to college without watching the movie Tommy Boy. He says that he just doesn't find Chris Farley or his antics funny.
1. Last September Rudi got to witness the wonders of micro-surgery firsthand when he had work done on his groin. The surgeon told Rudi that they had to use the smallest laser they had.


Miss Laura said...

Another reason that Rudi pretends to be Hungarian is that he LOVES gypsies with violins.

Sarah said...

#8 is totally funny. LOL!

As for #2 ...so sad to hear that Rudi doesn't love my late school mate. :*(

Come to the dark side, Rudi!

Anonymous said...

What's Tommy Boy?