Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lessons Learned

After staying at Dave and Cathie's house for four days, I learned many things about them. Here are a few of them
  • Cathie loves shower scrubbies. I was not sure which one was designated to clean dingle berries out, so I rotated and used a different one each day.
  • Dave and Cathie love dimmer switches. From their bedroom to the kitchen to the family room to the bathroom, you can assured that if the light is to bright for your taste, you can dim it.
  • In the past I have always been amazed at what morning people Dave and Cathie are. But I figured out it is not because they like getting up early, but it is because they have no choice as they have no working shades in their house.
  • Dave has the messiest office in the world. When I mentioned how messy it was to his son Nathan, he told me that Dave "only cleans the office once a year, but must have forgotten to do it this year".
  • I consider myself something of an audio and video expert. But Dave has the most confusing TV/DVD/Satellite system I have ever seen. I had to call him for help on watching a DVD. Dave could really benefit from a Harmony Remote.
  • Apparently anyone can get a free vacation to Costa Rica if they just ask Dave.
  • As a family they follow the "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" rule.


Sarah said...

LOL! That was great. Especially #1.

Sarah said...

We are still laughing about #1.

Unknown said...

i've been thinking about cleaning my office today... You inspired me, Jon.