Thursday, March 02, 2006

All is good

Libby went for her follow-up appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist today. After applying the cocaine eyedrops twice to her eyes and then waiting 30 minutes, it was confirmed by the doctor that Libby does not have Horner's Syndrome. She just has one pupil that is a little bigger then the other, or in medical terms "Opticus Stinkus".


Anonymous said...

My prayers have been answered!

Remember if Libby has Opticus Stinkus that it is genetic and typically heritable from the father of the child.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear this! We were praying for all of you! But really I guess we should have known that everything was fine when we knew her parents have actually been photographed and self labeled as the original "Stink Eye and Horse Teeth". Thankfully Libby is too cute for any of us with untrained eyes to even come close to noticing that she inherited the "stink-eye" gene. Hopefully it'll be the same for the teeth.


Melissa said...

I would like to personally welcome Libby to the Opticus Stinkus Club. I, too, have that afliction and have turned out relatively okay!

Andrea said...

My baby who is 8 mos old! (10-31-05) also has Horner's syndrome. I would love to email your wife and we could talk about it because I don't know anyone else who has a baby with Horner's!