Monday, March 20, 2006

Great Article

I read an article today on the BWE Blog that really spoke to me. I have been saying this exact thing for years. While my choices of shows may differ, I still feel their pain. You would think having a dual channel recording DVR would help, but there are nights that there are three shows on three different channels on at the same time that I would like to watch. The solution has been to record two shows and watch the third one in the other room, not a great cure, but it works. Most of the time I have 75-85% of my DVR full, barely watching enough TV during the day to make room for the new shows at night. Some might say "just stop watching so much tv", but we all know those people are being rudiculous. Here is the article:
I've been frustrated for a long time by the fact that there are too many good shows to keep up with, but last night after The Sopranos, I reached my breaking point. Already exhausted from having been through the tense campaigning in The West Wing, I was totally drained after watching Tony fighting for his life and his family just fighting. So drained, in fact, that I couldn't watch Grey's Anatomy. I had planned all along to Tivo Desperate Housewives and Big Love, but missing out on Grey's was just too much. How am I expected to be able to talk to my coworkers about Sunday television on Monday morning when I can't even watch half the good shows?

Now, you might be thinking that it's not such a big deal and that I can just catch up on the second-tier Sunday shows on Monday. But then when do I watch Wife Swap and 24? Do I Tivo them while I watch stuff from Sunday? And then what happens to American Idol? Scrubs? Do I put those off too? And don't forget about my Netflixers. I'm in the middle of Lonesome Dove, but I've been stuck at the beginning of the cattle drive for a week because I can't squeeze it in to my viewing schedule. What's worse is that I hear about all these other good shows that I can't get to like Lost and House, to say nothing of the stuff on FX, Showtime, and who knows what else.

So I have a request to all the network executives out there: Stop making so many good shows!

1 comment: said...

You should talk to Angelina Jolie