Wednesday, March 15, 2006


This afternoon Beth was given two tickets for us to go see Delirium by Cirque Du Soleil. We have seen a few other shows by them in Las Vegas. Jen was nice enough to babysit Libby. We delivered ourselves to the Fed-Ex Forum at 8 p.m. sharp. Then there was a 20 minute opening act of some crazy lady singing along with her band. Then a 20 minute intermission before the real show got going at 8:40. The show got off to a very slow start, lots of singing and not many feats of strength. It continued this way until about 10 when they started hulu-hooping and doing some outragous strong man stuff. I guess what I was most disappointed in was that 90% of the things they did on stage, I could have done myself. For those of you who have seen "O" or Mystere this was NOTHING like that other then both are under the Cirque Du Soleil umbrella. As Beth said, it was like watching "O"'s red-headed step-child perform. All I know is that I would have been very angry if I had shelled out $115 per ticket to see this. On the brighter side, we had great seats, about 12 rows from the stage right in the center and we got a nice evening out by ourselves.

1 comment:

Rich said...

That delivery comment to the Fed Ex Forum was pretty funny, but don’t quit your day job. Oh’ that’s right; you don’t have a job... :)