Tuesday, August 29, 2006

1 Year Well Check Visit

Libby went in for her 1 year well check visit today. She weighed 22 lbs 10 ozs putting her in the 75th for weight. She was 30 1/2 inches tall (90th percentile) and her head is 45 1/2 cm around which is the 51st percentile.

Libby has been done with formula for the past two week and is now drinking milk. She eats pretty much whatever we are eating for most meals. She loves cheese crumbles and any sort of lunch meat. Yesterday she tried broccoli and loved it, she also likes watermelon, yogurt, applesauce and hotdogs (with the skin peeled off). Each morning Libby and I share a bowl of Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries, each day she seems to eat more and more of the bowl.

Libby's first word is "Hi" and she loves to say it to her mom when she comes home from work. Libby can stand for about 15 seconds and can walk 4-5 steps before face -planting into a pillow (unless we are there to catch her). She is getting more daring when it comes to walking between objects. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Andrea said...

hi there!
I found your blog while searching for "Horner's syndrome". I have a 10 month old boy with congential Horner's syndrome like Libby. I would love to email with your wife any information on the subject she might know, how it could have happened, etc. If she is interested, tell her to leave a comment on my blog!