Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Zoo

On Saturday we loaded up the car and headed off to the Memphis Zoo. Libby and I usually go about once a week, but it is always more fun when mom comes with us.
Here is Beth doing her impression of a stalk of bamboo.

One of our first stops was in the Farm area. This horse was taunting Libby the whole time. He was quite the rude horse. He turned around and leaned up against the fence (almost breaking it), itched his butt and farted.

Here is a little known fact: Spotted Pygmy Donkeys eat a steady diet of hay and apparently children's feet. Libby is now known as "Libby Four Toes".
Which came first, Libby or the Egg?

Apparently Libby is scared of heights and would only sit on top of the plastic cow if her eyes were closed.

We explained to Libby that this is where milk comes from. The bull didn't appreciate the humor.

We had a hard time getting the attention of the goats, except for one hideously ugly goat. He was like the loaner/rebel goat of the bunch. Once we started scratching his head, he wouldn't let us leave. He had no ears or horns.

In appreciation for the head scratch, he agreed to pose for this photo.


rudi said...

There is a striking resemblance between you and the goat; I think its the eyes.

Will said...

No-eared goat? Looks freaky... reminds me of the movie Gremlins. Great pictures, tell Libby that I don't like walking around in my diaper after I've been swimming either.