Sunday, August 13, 2006

Dirty Scrabble

Each day during Camp-a-palooza 2006 a game of Scrabble would break out. Above Mom, Ryan, Rudi and Errin are playing. By the third day everyone was getting quite bored with it. So at first Rudi suggested that they play strip Scrabble, everyone quickly told Rudi how inappropriate that would be, plus his wife reminded him how that could be quite embarrassing for him. I suggested that they play dirty Scrabble, where obscene words can be used. Everyone loved the idea!
I took this picture half way through the game. Ironicaly enough Rudi's nickname when he was in the Delta Lambda Phi fraternity was "Stormy Penis", he wouldn't tell us why though. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Rich said...

It’s a good thing that you brought your camera, since Rudi forgot his… We would have never gotten to see all of the exiting things Rudi chose not to blog about…

Maybe Rudi didn't blog in protest to the ban on pets in the restrooms at the campground.. Rudi loves his pets...