Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Nathan

Every year for Nate's birthday my brother Dave takes him to his favorite fabric store to pick out fabric to make a new "birthday blanket". It is a tradition as old as ballons on the floor of your bedroom when you wake up in the morning. Maybe if you have any left over you can also make Libby a blanket.

I can't belive Nate is already 9 and tall as a whip. It seems like only yesterday he was 8.


Unknown said...

Uncle Jon, you forgot to mention that we always make you a blanket on my birthday too and I'm holding the babyish and girlie material that you picked out for yourself tuna noodle stinkle. I wasn't surprised by your choice, because I knew you would be able to say that it was for Libby even though deep down people really knew that you'd cuddle with it and wouldn't share it with anyone.

From Nathan

Rich said...

He was 8 the day before he turned 9 smarty pants...

And what does "tall as a whip" mean?