Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I caught it

I went to bed Sunday night with a bit of a belly ache and woke up about an hour later vomiting and having diarrhea. At first Beth thought it might be the "bird flu" that you hear everyone talking about, since I had had chicken the past two nights for dinner. I told her I didn't think that is how it worked and that it was probably just a case of gastro like she had last week. Mine was a much more virile strain, in fact it made Beth's look like a stomache ache. Good news is it seems to only have been a 24 hour bug and I am at about 90% today. I don't think I will be running or exercising for the next few days. The bad news is I didn't really lose any weight during the experience and am hovering around 167. (For those who don't know I am on a diet and trying to get down to about 160.) Luckily Libby dosen't seem to have caught the bug from either of usl. I was very blessed to have such a happy baby on Monday, she made being sick just that much easier.


Rich said...

I think it was the dirty chicken fried steak..

Anonymous said...

Dieting for 6 pounds is crazy!