Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Opticus Stinkus (Stink Eye)

Yesterday while giving Libby a once over before her 6 month doctor appointment, Beth noticed that one of Libby's pupils was larger than the other, or one was smaller than the other. After pointing it out to Dr. Geiger, she performed a few tests to test Libby's light reflexes. Those seemed okay, so Dr. Geiger called a pediatric ophthalmologist to get her opinion. Dr. Pandya-Lipman thought it would be a good idea for Libby to come in and be checked out. So next thursday, the 23rd, Libby has to go in and get her eyes examined. They will do a dilated eye exam to look at her optic nerve.


BoxcatAV said...

Maybe Libby get some cool glasses:) Maybe hot pink or something.

Sooze said...

can we sing her the "stink eye libby" song? Ben is no longer in the "stink eye" club.

Anonymous said...

Dear Libby,

You are the cutest niece ever (even if you do have a stink eye)! I love your beautiful smile!

Love, Auntie Laura