Thursday, February 23, 2006

Eye Update

Libby went to see her pediatric opthalmologist today. Even though we had to wait over an hour to get in to see the doctor and another hour for the visit Libby did very well and didn't fuss at all. I have decided that being a pediatric opthalmologsit is kinda like being a children's photographer, because you have to amuse the baby and get her to look at you while you are shining a bright light in their eye. The doctor said that her left pupil is a little larger then the right and the eye has a tiny bit of a droop to it. It could be something called Horner's Syndrome, which in it of itself is not serious, but could mean she has a tumor behind her eye. The doctor thought this was unlikely because her eye looks so healthy over all. But she wants to completely rule it out so next Thursday Libby has to go in for another test. They are going to administer liquid Cocaine drops into her eye, I was reassured that it would not turn her into a "crack" baby. Then if the test is positive and she does has Horner's Syndrome then she will have to have additional tests such as a CAT scan. Please keep Libby in your prayers.


Sooze said...

We are praying for her!!

Um, by the way, could you find a link to the Horner's Syndrome that is in English? I didn't understand anything more than "the" and "and"

Rich said...

Those doctors are so inconsiderate!!! Making you wait an hour when you could be watching Days of Our Lives or Young and the Restless.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that Jon isn't visiting doctors and posting all this because he's suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

Either way we'll be praying for Libby and her parents...the unknown can be nerve wracking.


BoxcatAV said...

Libby is in my thoughts and prayers. If it's any consoliation, my dad has Horner's Syndrome. For the most part, he's normal:) Also, one of my pupils is larger than the other from my eye acciden in high school. I don't know if Beth ever had the opportunity to hear that wonderful story!